Beauty in Patience

One day, my mother received a delicate branch of hibiscus flowers. With hope, she planted it and waited patiently for signs of growth. Day after day passed, still no sprout emerged from the earth. Impatient, I would suggest reusing the pot for something else, but she remained adamant.

Months turned into a year, yet the hibiscus branch remained dormant, refusing to show any signs of life. Doubt crept into our hearts, but still, my mother held on and watered it faithfully.

Then, after what felt like an eternity, a breakthrough finally arrived. Two long years since its arrival, the hibiscus plant, defying all odds, unfurled its first glorious blossom showing its vibrant petals.

In that moment, I realized the profound lesson my mother had taught me. Life’s wonders often unfold at their own pace, and true growth takes time. Like the hibiscus flower, we must nurture our dreams and aspirations, even when they seem stagnant. For one day, they too shall bloom, radiating their brilliance for all to behold.

Cee’s FOTD 30th Nov 2023

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